Art & Sons | True Voice

This leaf represents where Ginew started & where we’re going. Seeking to brand in 2011, we encountered many agencies who “knew exactly...” how to represent us....often concocting bizarre logos with feathers, bows, arrows & headdresses. We sought something timeless, yet something that represented who we are today.

Meet ART & SONS, a design studio hailing from Madison, WI. Made up of a core team of three gents who vacillate wearing a cadre of hats: owner-designer-artist-dreamer-wanders...they turn out some of the most authentic, true branding we’ve ever encountered. We first met at an Indigenous foods fundraiser for a youth camp from the Red Lake Nation. They designed a gorgeous, split-fountain print for the fundraiser dinner that simultaneously represented traditional Ojibwe values AND the playful joy of children. Stunning.

It was a time much like today - a time when the recession loomed and slowly began to release its grip, yet few willing to hire. Time to invent...or re-invent yourself. It was a time of do-it-yourself, and make-it-yourself...a movement was born (reborn?) of necessity...the “maker-movement” came at a time when people began to recreate themselves.

It is no wonder Art&Sons was the first creative agency to see beyond the novelty of us being Ojibwe & Oneida-Stockbridge Munsee. Immediately we could tell this experience would be different...approaching topics and ideas with humility and zeal to understand the essence of our story. They asked tough questions, did their homework, and their FIELD WORK.

TRUE STORY. As they sought out inspiration and ideas for branding Ginew, there was a moment when one of the crew wanted to learn more about where Amanda & Erik began...he wanted to get to the heart of the what and the why of this journey. Their curiosity led to our origin - to the tree under which we had our marriage ceremony… One day he sat under the tree and drifted away in search of inspiration. Gently floating on the breeze...a leaf slowly danced from the branches through the sky to where he sat below. Brilliant. THIS is your story…

The Ginew leaf - a symbol from the place where we began to walk our journey together...timeless & connected to our woodland cultures...and forever part of our story moving forward. They helped us express our true voice.

CHECK OUT ART&SONS...ask them for their portfolio...go along and meander through some of their projects. Some of our personal favorites...the custom cedar boxes for the first edition Heritage Coat, journey map for the Rider Coat, and LUCK bandanas.